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Fundraising! You know you want to...

Fundraising! You know you want to...

Daniel Woodrow13 Mar 2023 - 18:44
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New Astro Pitch on CM1 - Great progress as at 19th March we are nearly at 20% of the overall target!

Old Elthamians CC are working closely with our friends at Eltham College to commission a new astro pitch on CM1. This has many benefits benefits for our Juniors, Seniors and ground staff.

The club will be working with various contributors to help fund the work but needs your help to raise the clubs part which is estimated to be around £8,000. Please support your club and donate to this worthy cause.

We know financials pressures are very real right now but anything you can do to help grow the club, our facilities and our long term future will be greatly appreciated.

In just a few simple clicks you can donate funds right here, in App or Online.

Further reading